Aug 28, 2018
"You are an amazing person. Don't ever let your dyslexia ever ever make you feel like you can't do something you want to do." -Tomas Black
Aug 22, 2018
"As a person with dyslexia you have a lot of strengths and a lot to offer. Really focus on that, not so much on your challenges." -Trevor Smith
Check out Trevor's website here.
Massachusetts Branch of the International Dyslexia Association.
Aug 16, 2018
In celebration of the 50th episode Gibby chats with her fiancee sharing what her childhood was like and how her perspective of dyslexia has totally changed.
Aug 9, 2018
"If it wasn't for being outside and swimming, riding, and dancing then it would have been tough for me. That was my way to express myself. Find whatever it is that makes you happy and do it." -Sharon Taylor
Aug 1, 2018
"I wear dyslexia as a badge of honor."
"When we label somebody in our society it's a stigma for weakness. Dyslexia is not a weakness, it's just a different way of learning. The weakness is the system that hasn't been brought forward to teach people that are individuals." -Marcus Rhatigan